Sunday, 27 November 2011

Weekly Updates Week Eleven

Week Eleven

21/11/11: Throughout this week, we were editing our music video yet again, but we decided that it was lacking an element that realistic music videos have: a performance. We decided that, to make our music video more believable, we would film footage of a rapper miming to the song then add it in to the final piece.

Sunday, 20 November 2011

Sunday, 13 November 2011

Weekly Updates Week Nine

Week Nine

7/11/11: We refilmed the footage that we had to and started properly editing this week.

Sunday, 6 November 2011

Weekly Updates Week Eight

Week Eight

31/10/11: This week we came back to college from half term and spent the week logging and capturing our footage onto the Mac computers and going through the footage, deciding what clips to use, and what clips were unusable or had to be filmed again – unfortunately some of our footage did not look realistic, or the lighting was too dark so we knew we had to refilm.